.BOX File Extension

Kodicom Video (Audio) File

Video File
The .BOX file format is an audio format used by Kodicom's closed circuit TV (CCTV) recorders. This format may also be created using the PC DVR software from Kodicom.

The .BOX file format is thought to contain audio information, whereas the accompanying .BIX file(s) contain video data. The TechJunkies i3 DVR software is known to be able to play both the audio and video files created by the Kodicom DVR.

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    Comments (8)
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    2007-09-21 20:30:16
    I am having a problem. I need to convert a .box file from my surveilance cam. But i do not know how, and can not find some software that can enable me to convert. I would appreciate it a lot if you could help me with my problem.
    Maksym [UA]
    2008-04-03 04:06:11
    Identifying Characters (ASCII): DBDK
    Identifying Characters (Hex): 44 42 44 4B

    I have same problem. I need to convert or just to view a .box file and have not original software.
    2008-06-12 22:53:50
    Can someone please explain how to convert files with the extension .box to a video file such as mpeg or avi.

    I need to export the file as evidence to the police.

    2008-08-12 17:45:50
    You should try with "Techjunkies-i3-DVR" program. It opens .BIX and .BOX formats.

    2009-02-01 02:27:03
    I need to convert a .box & .bix file from my surveillance cam. But I do not know how, and can not find some software that can enable me to convert.
    2009-07-21 05:39:46

    Take this player it will play .box video files recorded by cctv camera.

    2010-12-24 21:00:15
    Throttlebox Player unable to play the .bix files from CCTV footage